Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are very thin “skins” made of porcelain that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. It is the ideal choice if many teeth need to be restored because in this way we provide absolute symmetry but also harmony in terms of color, shape and position and the texture of the teeth. As porcelain as a material does not discolor, it is an excellent choice when we have dychromic teeth and many defective seals as well as when we have adjacent teeth with porcelain restorations.
«I can do everything when I can smile … thank you for everything!» M.G.
Porcelain as a material is almost as durable as teeth and gives us the opportunity for a new total smile that is permanent, but after the treatment plan has been completed with restorations on teeth with caries, possible endodontic treatments, treatment of gingivitis or periodontitis when required . If you want your smile to shine more brightly before any restoration, a whitening may precede it so that the faces or other prosthetic restorations match the color of the whitest tone that the teeth will have after whitening.
So, after the preparation of the teeth in the doctor’s office, the faces with our instructions are made by the craftsman and after 3-4 appointments for the final corrections, we stick them with a special glue on the front surface of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are a conservative treatment, however in case of wear or tear they may not be repairable and need to be rebuilt.
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