Preventive dentistry for children
Our consultations include a full medical history to identify any conditions of significance, a thorough dental examination, radiographs, x-rays, study models and photographs. We will discuss all treatment options with you and provide a written estimate and treatment plan.
«I’m constantly looking at myself in the mirror..!» Ν.Μ
Our preventive treatments include:
- Scale and Polish:
Plaque, calculus and staining are removed leaving your teeth clean and fresh. - Oral Hygiene Sessions:
How you clean and look after your teeth is so important! we take time to explain and demonstrate different methods to keep your mouth fresh and healthy. - Fissure Sealants:
Fissure Sealants cover the grooves and crevices on the surface of your molar teeth to create a smooth surface so that food and debris does not get caught in these areas and cause decay. This is great way to protect yours and your children’s teeth
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